Friday, December 08, 2006
08 December 2006 - Recording cancelled
Friday, December 01, 2006
01 December 2006 - Duuh-da-da…da^-dunt….
I received a letter in the mail from People’s Court! Yes, seriously, the TV show! Apparently it is claiming that Mr. PJ Vinch III, the person who sold us our Vette, has filed a small claims suit against me. I have no idea what this guy is thinking! This is absurd! I paid him every dollar as per our agreement, and have it all documented. If anyone was to sue someone it would be me against him for failure to supply all the goods promised with the sale, and for the false advertisement in his add about the condition of the vehicle and parts! I actually threatened to take him to court a couple of months ago because of his failure to follow through as promised. My cousin, the officer, was even there to witness his continued promises. I chose not to mainly due to time and hassle since it was the same time I was traveling the world for work. We were also dealing with the house situation. I have all of our email correspondence and the receipts from buying all the parts and work on the engine just to get it to start. He has no legs to stand on!
Anyhow, this letter is a 1 page write-up asking me to call-in and discuss my side of the case. I would definitely do it if they were to pay me up-front and put in writing they would not make me look ridiculous unless of course it was a large amount of money! Last thing I want is to be on world TV and made a fool of like the American Idol contestants. But then maybe this would open up my movie career I always wanted!? Hahaha
The letter claims there is a suit filed. I have yet to be served by a real court. It states that if we do this the People’s Court pays all of the court fees and judgments. Basically if some ridiculous reason if he were to win I would not pay a dime, but if he lost, as he should, I would be given the amount claimed. Julie and mom both think this is ridiculous that I shouldn’t do it…What are your comments?! I have called-in but I had to leave a voicemail. My first question will be “What suit has been filed against me?”, as there is no explanation for his suit on this letter. Then I will ask why he doesn’t do it in a real court. Most-likely because the court would throw it out!!
Anyhow, send me your comments! I’ve not stopped laughing since last night!!! hahahahahahahahaha
Monday, November 13, 2006
13 November 2006 - It was a cold ride
The brakes still need some work. I had to go back a few times to re-tighten some fittings that had some small leaks. I also need to have a 2nd helper to help me make sure all air is out of the system, as it is pretty soft still. It was pretty difficult doing it solo, and at 2AM!
I also spent a few hours at the office in the model shop Sat morning to weld the radiator support. I had to manufacture some brackets to be able to mount the correct radiator in the car. The radiator and support that were in the car were for an automatic big block engine. I then painted it up and it actually looks like it belongs!
Anyhow, I took the 1st drive yesterday afternoon. Deffinitely need to get some new shocks as it is like sitting on a board it is so stiff! However, I can tell already that it has a ton of power! This is gonna be one fun ride when it's done!
Friday, November 10, 2006
10 November 2006 - Easy day, Hard night
Today a co-worker is planning to help me with modifying the radiator support. It is not the correct one (it is for a big block) so the radiator is too small for it. We have 2 mounts welded on already but need 2 more and a clasp. Then I'll need to rig-up the hoses until I get the correct ones. It'll be hard to keep them from interferring with the fan and belts. However, I will not continue using the blocks of wood as we no longer live in WV...Hahaha!
Tonight I'll be doing the rear brake line blocks, parking brakes, installing the new rotors and pads, and filling the brake system with brake fluid. I also need to figure out how to connect the accelerator cable. I bought a universal bracket, but it won't work on its own. I just hope to get it all done. I really want to be able to drive it by the end of the weekend, as I'll be gone for training Tues to Thurs and upon returning we'll be heading to Disney World not returning until after Thanksgiving.
I've been posting things on ebay again, hoping to make some more money to help offset some of the car costs. Selling a lot of bike stuff and other misc things from around the house.
I also need to find time to squeeze in oil changes for our Tahoe and GP. I figured once the Vette is drivable I can remove it from the ramps to use for the changes.
Monday, November 06, 2006
06 November 2006 - Iceman results are in!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
05 November 2006 - Apples or Pumkins?
Friday, November 03, 2006
03 November 2006 - No snow here.
Everone in the midwest should currently be heading up to the Iceman Cometh Challenge race going down tomorrow morning. That was always a great weekend of fun. Another thing about the Michigan racing scene that will be missed. If we weren't heading off to Disney World for Thanksgiving I would've taken a long weekend to drive up for the event. I'll be trying to plan for it for next year.
Anyhow, I finally got moving on the car again. Night before last I pulled the half shafts back out of the car and removed the u-joints. The 1st was pretty easy, but then Murphy decided to help out... I had to bring the 2nd into work for some access to bigger tools! I was able to remove one using a hand press. The other I first tried the hand press, then tried a hydrolic press, finally I had some help from a toolmaker in beating it out! What a job! I was sure glad when I reassembled them that they went together with only some light tapping. Tonight I need to take another look at the main driveshaft as I ned to replace those 2 joints as well.
I was also able to order the needed parts for the clutch assembly yesterday also. I needed everything from the pedal push rod to the fork. I'll also need to drop the trans back out of the car to remove the bell housing to install the fork. Initially it was thought that it could be installed after, but that was discovered to be wrong. Oh well, practice makes it perfect, eh! So, hopefully I will be able to drive it for the 1st time next week!
I'll post more on happenings and photos soon!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
26 October 2006 - Painters' touch
I'll be getting back to working on the car this weekend. I plan to replace the U-joints as well as paint the garage walls with primer after touching-up the rough mud job by the builder. I will then paint the walls in a "sky-blue" color to make it bright and look like a showroom for the Vette! I also have 2 of 4 cool-white flourescent lights mounted, with plans to mount the remaining 2 this weekend as well. I had to run additional wiring and a switch with an outlet for them.
Nathaniel continuously runs around the house, and has enjoyed his new found freedom! He has his own HUGE bedroom as well as a toy room! I still need to mount his baseball ceiling fan, and the ceiling fan in the great room. I'm lucky to not have had to return to China, as my co-worker has been there since the beginning of the month and is not cleared to come home anytime soon!
My nephew, Brenden, is making a return trip to the NFL Youth Flag Football National Championships at Disney World again this year! His team easilly handled all the opponents last weekend nearby in Regional competition in Randalstown, MD, boy was it a long day. His team mercied all others until he met his younger sister's all girl team who took them to the full time of play, but they only scored 1x against the boys who won by 3 touches. Taylor's team also won all their games until that play-off game with her brother's, upsetting (litterally) all the boys teams! We'll be going this year to watch as they play at the Wide World of Sports Complex on-site at Disney on my birthday Nov. 18th. We'll also be staying for an additional 3 days to take Thane to the theme parks, we just need to find a place to board the 2 dogs.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
19 October 2006 - The move-in.
Nathaniel is now rolling out of bed at night, as we are transitioning him to a standard bed. Prior to the move he was climbing out of his crib in the mornings if he woke up before us.
I need to acquire a few more parts for the car to have it drivable. Then I will be able to take it in for exhaust. I need to get parts for the clutch and the transmission linkages then I can drive it to get the exhaust put on since it only has headers. It is now registered in VA with an antique plate customized as “68 SHRK”. For the truck I got the plate as “1FG SS”. I am also officially a Virginian, as I also picked-up my VA driver’s license. Julie still needs to get hers. Not sure if she will customize her plate.
The yard is growing in pretty good. I’m continuing to put down grass seed and we have also bought trees to plant as privacy barriers. I’ll look to place them tomorrow as I am taking the day off from work for more organization of the house, and mounting the garage door openers. My mom has been with us since the move started last Wed, and has been an awesome help with Thane. Without her here it would’ve been almost impossible to move as quickly as we did. Plus we were able to hold Thane’s 2nd b-day party last Saturday following the move-in. He was a load of fun opening his gifts…can’t wait for x-mas!
We have plenty of room now so we’re hoping our friends and family will come to visit us! Please let us know if you can make it for a visit! The road riding is great, and there are also many historic locations for sight seeing. We are also just a short drive from the Baltimore/DC area which is loaded with tourist sights!
Not sure what our plans will be for the holidays yet…we hope to be able to visit the family and some friends!
Friday, September 29, 2006
29 September 2006 - Distributing my time
I also finally trimmed-up the gas line, so the line you saw sticking up above where the hood would be during the video I shot is now where it should be. I have just a small amount of hose, a lentgh of about 3", between the carburator and the hard line coming up from the fuel pump. However, I still need to pull-off the carburator lines to fix a leak. It seams to be leaking at the seal where the filter is placed into the line. One thing not yet in-place is the new radiator, so I still have the large old one propped-up in the front end with wood blocks and duct tape holding the hoses away from the fan! I'm definitely fitting in with the rednecks here! HAHA
Thursday, September 21, 2006
21 September 2006 - Can you hear me now?
Also, we'll get away from our white-trash redneck neighbors! These people are rediculous! I think I mentioned it before, but my original goal was to have the car drivable by Sept. Well, when the China trip was scheduled it changed to having it running. I made it with a week to spare. My parents arrived a day before I left, on Labor Day weekend, and I started the car for my dad. The couple next door came storming outside yelling and cussing at me saying I shouldn't be restoring a car. This coming from a typical redneck who does daily grinding on his daily-driver 80's Ford pick-up and keeps touching up the primer orange paint with his spray cans! HAHAHA They also threatened to call the po-po. Well, last night I called his bluff and was looking forward to having the police show up. Why? Because my cousin, a cop, was there as well! Best part was the guy flew into his driveway nearly hitting my cousin and coming just inches from some items I had sitting in the shared driveway, on my side. My cousin just shook his head and stated, "boy, the cops would be here in a minute if he would've touched me, because there would definitely be a problem!"
Yes, I only have headers on the car right now, but it is not even loud enough to drown-out the highway noise. Also, it is only a small block just lightly modified. It actually has a nice sound to it, especially when it is idled-up a bit. It is by no means necessarry to wear earplugs, which I originally did. This was also only the 4th time I have started it. The 1st 3 times were a max of 15mins. This 4th time was a bit longer totalling about 30 minutes due to the many tweeks for tuning the timing in on the engine and carb.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
06 September 2006 - Getting homesick
Anyhow, work has taken me to China again for the launch of a new product. If you want to know the lottery numbers just drop me an email...but you'll have to share your winnings! I'm 12hrs ahead here as it is currently 7:35AM on Thursday where at home in the Virginias it is 7:35PM on Wednesday.
I'm still not fully onto the new time schedule. Hopefully I will not have too much difficulty switching back! I'm currently scheduled to return next Friday, 15 September. I was initially scheduled to return this Saturday, 9 September, but I knew that would not happen. However, at the same time I was hoping that things would not be as scewed up as they are here at the supplier! What a mess!
Julie and Thane are trying to keep busy, but they are missing me alot, as I am missing them! Hopefully I will be able to get the supplier back on track so I will not have any further delays or trip extensions. here are a couple photos of a typical dinner location. The supplier has been treating us to lunch and dinner every day. The locations are amazing, we are always in a special secluded room which has a sitting area, dinning area, restroom, and a side door to its own kitchen. Awesome food and my chopstick skills are pretty good once again.
Well, I must get ready for breakfast just a couple of minutes away. Then it's off to the plant again for another full day, as we've been averaging a work day of about 12-14hrs.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
31 August 2006 - Late night
So, I took out the half shafts, the main drive shaft will require a bit more work. However, I'm taking 1 half of the pair in to Autozone tomorrow to order the u-joints and any other items needed to rebuild these. I know I need atleast 6 u-joints.
I also learned via the Corvette Forum that vinegar is a strong enough acid to remove rust! So I'll also be buying the largest container, or many of them, to soak my rusty parts in from now on. So far I've been cleaning the parts with brake cleaner before and after scrubbing the rust away with wire brushes and steel wool. What a knuckle buster! This process is to just melt the rust away, I'll just need to rinse it off then lightly go over it with some steel wool and rinse it again and dry it.
I'll be posting pics soon...also I'm looking into how to get the video links to work!
Mom and dad are coming to visit tomorrow (tonight, as i see it is after midnight). They will spend the holiday weekend here with Julie and Thane while I'm out of town. They all plan to go to the C&O canal rail trail for a ride if the weather is nice. As of now there is a chance of rain all weekend.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
29 August 2006 - It's ALIVE!!!
THANKS FOR THE HELP, MATT, SCOTT, and the crew on the Corvette Forums!
Enjoy this video clip! (If I can get the link to work.)
Monday, August 28, 2006
28 August 2006 - A hint of ...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
25 August 2006 - "Short" delay.
Friday, August 25, 2006
24 August 2006 - Slight delay
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
23 August 2006 - Ready...set...FIRE! FIRE!!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
15 August 2006 - Special thanks!

14 August 2006 - It's been a while

Monday, July 24, 2006
24 July 2006 - Julz in her Vette

Sunday, July 09, 2006
09 July 2006 - Busy, busy, busy!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
17 June 2006 - Cycling slump
17 June 2004 - Family and car update

Sunday, June 11, 2006
11 June 2006 - Shanghai, WV that is...

Saturday, June 10, 2006
10 June 2006 - Hard day's work

Sunday, June 04, 2006
04 June 2006 - C&O Canal

Saturday, June 03, 2006
03 June 2006 - Wind, mountains, but luckilly no rain
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
31 May 2006 - Restore started

Monday, May 29, 2006
29 May 2006 - Long weekend
Saturday, May 13, 2006
13 May 2006 - A Happy 10 Years!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
09 May 2006 - House, work, and "running" around
Monday, May 08, 2006
08 May 2006 - Battle of the Gut
Sunday, May 07, 2006
07 May 2006 - disappointment
Saturday, May 06, 2006
06 May 2006 - Gut Wrenching Night
Thursday, May 04, 2006
04 May 2006 - Loosen-up!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
03 May 2006 - "Back" in 1 piece, well almost...
Monday, May 01, 2006
01 May 2006 - Lost Vertebrae in Maryland!