Friday, November 10, 2006

10 November 2006 - Easy day, Hard night

Last night was spent working on the car again. I'm getting frustrated with getting this thing driving! I was up until 2AM. I did get a lot accomplished. I reinstalled the shifter assembly and mounting plate, the mounting bracket for the transmission, attached the transmission to the bracket, tightened down all the bolts in the drivetrain (new u-joints installed), installed the rear differential mounting bracket, did a lot of cleaning of the underside (as we'll be getting a lift to park Julie's car under it), re-attached the front cable for the parking brake (started installing the rear and the new shoes), installed the clutch assembly, and to top it off I put in about 8 gallons of premium gas which was only $1.47 per gallon!!!! Yup...$1.47 per gallon!!! I filled up the Tahoe and the gas cans. Too bad I was limited to 30 gallons.

Today a co-worker is planning to help me with modifying the radiator support. It is not the correct one (it is for a big block) so the radiator is too small for it. We have 2 mounts welded on already but need 2 more and a clasp. Then I'll need to rig-up the hoses until I get the correct ones. It'll be hard to keep them from interferring with the fan and belts. However, I will not continue using the blocks of wood as we no longer live in WV...Hahaha!

Tonight I'll be doing the rear brake line blocks, parking brakes, installing the new rotors and pads, and filling the brake system with brake fluid. I also need to figure out how to connect the accelerator cable. I bought a universal bracket, but it won't work on its own. I just hope to get it all done. I really want to be able to drive it by the end of the weekend, as I'll be gone for training Tues to Thurs and upon returning we'll be heading to Disney World not returning until after Thanksgiving.

I've been posting things on ebay again, hoping to make some more money to help offset some of the car costs. Selling a lot of bike stuff and other misc things from around the house.

I also need to find time to squeeze in oil changes for our Tahoe and GP. I figured once the Vette is drivable I can remove it from the ramps to use for the changes.

Monday, November 06, 2006

06 November 2006 - Iceman results are in!

A good friend of mine deserves major KUDOS!!! Congrats to Mike "SiMonster" Simonson on winning the Iceman as well as the proclaimed Midwest Triple Crown! Link to the article on VeloNews: Way to go, Mike!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

05 November 2006 - Apples or Pumkins?

Thane can't decide which he likes best.

Here he decided to have an apple, or two! We saw the fridge door open, then when we walked over there he was on the floor having a snack! hahaha The 2nd picture is him showing off his new pumkin that he carved with his daddy.