Sunday, September 23, 2007

Slow going...

Still progressing on the deck. I finished the stairs today, 2 flights, but the pics below don't include them. These are previous pics I never posted. I've also started mounting the posts for the railings. I'll never buy from the Home Depot in Winchester again! I continue to make return trips to exchange bad wood, get items they failed to include in my deck materials, or return extra items not needed! Each trip is more than an hour at the store as they can't seem to handle a simple exchange!

On the job front...I'm interviewing in the Richmond area Tues, but doubt this will work out. I did have an interview with the Frederick County Sheriff's Department last Thurs that seemed to go very well. They have 4 current openings with 2 more expected in Jan as more are retiring. Obviously the pay would be much less, but it will be a rewarding and challenging job. We'll also be able to stay put with Julie keeping her job. I also have upcoming test dates in a couple of weeks with Martinsburg City and Jefferson County departments in WV which would be about 30min drives.


Jennifer said...

Hey Guy - I was suprised to read the newer blogs and what has been going on with you. So, your going to go into law enforcement - that sounds cool - what's happening? I hope Tonya is doing ok - send me a note if you have time and update us on you. Eric was interested in seeing how your doing on the vette. Also - we are thinking of getting a Yukon and are wondering who likes them and what problems you've had. Let me know - Jen

Unknown said...

Thanks for the note and stopping by. The Vette has been on hold, but it is driving fine. I still need to make a couple of brackets for mounting the fan shroud to prevent over-heating. I will have the deck done this weekend, but currently travelling for interviews. I will also hope to get the walls done in the theater room so Julz can paint!